This is what Hiromi writes on her blog:
Last March, after the pouch exchange project at the show of Pierrefeu du Var, Nicole was kind enough to collect my “new pouch” and sent it to me. Before then, she emailed me “I have already sent your new pouch to Tokyo”, so that I was waiting for it. She sent two pouches for us, my friend and myself. You imagine you will receive a small packet like an international package, don’t you? I definitely imagined as well.
Monday morning, 2 weeks after the exchange, I received “a large box” from Nicole. A large box for small two pouches? How large pouches are there? I opened the box and found pouches and another box inside. I opened it and... “she” was there!
After the show at Pierrefeu du Var, Henriette and some participants uploaded many beautiful pictures on their blogs. Heather who is living in Florida and I gazed at them and we were chatting by email about them, especially about the pictures of “les santons boutisseuses”, the traditional costumed dolls making boutis. We loved them very much. Of course, Nicole didn’t know our chat about “les santons”. So, I didn’t believe “she” was here!
I emailed Nicole. “Astonished! Thanks a million!!!!!!." She said “I bought 2 “santons boutisseuses” for you and Heather. I sent one of them to you. As for another, Heather will come here in May, so I will hand it to her. I keep it secret from her.”
I agreed to her plan and decided I would upload the pictures of my “santon boutisseuse” on my blog in May. This morning, I got email from Heather who had come home from Europe. She had finally met her “santon boutisseuse” at Nicole's apartment!
This is my lovely “santon boutisseuse”. I really thank Nicole and was touched by her deep and warm friendship for us.
Thank you again, Nicole.
Heather, I am waiting for uploading the pictures of your santon on your blog!!
Here are some pictures of the lovely santon Nicole chose for me (I think it is funny that both Hiromi and I chose to place our santons next to the lamp in boutis we made !)
The ladies of Lei Roucas dou barri made the individual boutis by hand for the santons, they are beautifully done.
Santons are the popular figures made to decorate a Christmas scene in Provence; some a very small clay figures, and others are larger and clothed. There are several well-known santon makers. This maker was chosen because of the lovely facial features of the santons.
This photos is courtesy of Henriette's blog - I think I have spotted both Hiromi's and my santon together - thank you