Welcome Wilkommen Bienvenue

Thanks for visiting ! Please leave me comments, I love to read what you might think about the boutis (which is also known as "Broderie de Marseille"), please share with me what you have seen, what you love, how-tos, good museums to visit, pattern origins, and so on ..... you get the idea !

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mary's Boutis Purse

Mary is one of the founding members of Loose Stitches, our boutis group here in Clearwater. I am going to make her blush when I say that without her, we would not have been able to start our group - Mary has been a great supporter of the boutis here and encourages everyone she meets.
Mary ist eine der Gruendungsmitglieder unserer Boutisgruppe hier in Clearwater. Sie bekommt jetzt bestimmt einen roten Kopf wenn ich erzaehle, dass wir ohne sie wahrscheinlich keine Gruppe haetten - sie unterstuetzt Boutis wo sie nur kann und ermuntert jeden.

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