Welcome Wilkommen Bienvenue

Thanks for visiting ! Please leave me comments, I love to read what you might think about the boutis (which is also known as "Broderie de Marseille"), please share with me what you have seen, what you love, how-tos, good museums to visit, pattern origins, and so on ..... you get the idea !

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sharing our Passion / Leidenschaft teilen / Partageons notre passion

I would like to find out if anyone else would like to meet others interested in the boutis. It would be so great if people stitching on their own could find someone in their area also interested - before you know it, other boutis groups would be born ! I am looking for a French club wishing to exchange with our small group Loose Stitches here - please write to me via the blog. Anyone in German speaking countries ? Let me know - I would love to make this blog an international meeting point :-))
Ich moechte herausfinden, ob es Boutisbegeisterte gibt, die gerne andere ebensolche kennenlernen wollen. Ich faende es toll, wenn einzelne Boutisstickerinnen Anschluss in ihrer eigenen Region finden koennten - wer weiss, es koennte neue Boutisgruppen geben ! Ich suche auch einen franzoesischen Club, der gerne einen Austausch mit unserer kleinen Gruppe hier machen moechte - bitte schreibt mir ! Auch fuer deutschsprachige Laender - hat jemand Lust, mitzumachen ? Lass mich es wissen, es waere super, wenn dieser Blog zu einem internat. Boutistreffpunkt sich entwickelte :-))
Je cherche pour notre petit club ici en Floride un petit club boutis francais avec envie de faire un echange avec nous ici - soit pour les idees, soit pour les experiences, les astuces, et peut-etre meme pour une visite ? Qui a envie ? Nicole nous a fait appetit avec ses stages, nous voulons plus apprendre. Ecrivez-moi ici, merci.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mothers' Day !

I just added the link http://www.boutis.org/ which is a wonderful selection of boutis photos from an exhibition at Pierrefeu du Var end March of this year. There are several pages of wonderful photos, interesting ideas and fabulous work quality for us to aspire to ! When you get to the bottom of the first page, click on "cliquez ici ......" and then for subsequent pages on "suivante" (for those non-French speakers !)

And also, send me your comments ! Ask questions, send me links to interesting boutis sites, add some history, that would be great !!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Boutis Exhibition in Generac France

I have just added a video link of a wonderful boutis exhibition in Generac, France, where France Boutis (see link at right) was the guest of honor. Please take a moment and view the video, it really is wonderful ! (By the way, it is the clip with the smiling Annie Noual !!)