Welcome Wilkommen Bienvenue

Thanks for visiting ! Please leave me comments, I love to read what you might think about the boutis (which is also known as "Broderie de Marseille"), please share with me what you have seen, what you love, how-tos, good museums to visit, pattern origins, and so on ..... you get the idea !

Sunday, March 24, 2013

New Boutis Link

Henriette  sent me a link to a group blog of boutisseuses who meet on Fridays.  The intention is to show their progress on various projects and there is a list of participants on the blog, so you can look at each member's work.  An excellent opportunity to see what people are working on and track their progress !   Visit them at Boutis


Lou said...

Ton lien ne fonctionne pas !

Heather said...

/yt67Merci Lou - le lien fonctionne maintenant et aussi sous"boutis du vendredi" a droite