Welcome Wilkommen Bienvenue

Thanks for visiting ! Please leave me comments, I love to read what you might think about the boutis (which is also known as "Broderie de Marseille"), please share with me what you have seen, what you love, how-tos, good museums to visit, pattern origins, and so on ..... you get the idea !

Monday, August 25, 2008

Petasson for the Jacksonville Show

It's finally time to show you what I have spent every free moment working on for the past weeks (months .....). I wanted to send a petasson to exhibit at the Quiltfest in Jacksonville FL in September (visit their site http://www.quiltfestjax.com/ ) Of course it took far longer than I thought but now it is finished and I am proud of it - I think it is my best boutis so far. The other small work is also going to Jacksonville. Send me your comments !

Endlich kann ich die Arbeit zeigen, womit ich wirklich jede freie Minute in den letzten Wochen (Monaten ...) verbracht habe. Diese Petasson geht nun nach Jacksonville fuer den Show im September (siehe http://www.quiltfestjax.com/) Natuerlich hat alles viel laenger gedauert als geplant, aber ich bin nun stolz darauf und meine, das ist bislang der beste Boutis. Der andere kleine geht auch nach Jacksonville. Ueber Eure Kommentare freue ich mich schon im voraus !

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Finishing a Boutis

Aoallis asked me in a comment about how the boutis is finished. There are several possibilities, all are described in the various books on the boutis.

1. You can hem the edge after completing the stuffing. To do this, trim the fabric to about 1/2" all around then fold the edge down twice over the last stuffed channel. Then hem into the "ditch" formed by the last line of stitching.

2. You can finish the edge with an embroidered scallop. To do this, draw an additional line outside of your design about 1/8-1/4" , stitch this and stuff lightly, then using a very fine (Cordonnet No. 80 by DMC) white thread, buttonhole stitch the edge very closely. Do this before stuffing the channels of your work. Then complete the boutis, wash the item and very carefully trim away the excess fabric.

3. You can also finish the edge by folding both the front and back fabric to the inside and slip stitching closed, then stuff the channel made by this.

I will try to post some photos later with some examples of the above, but in the meantime please refer to the books on the subject if you have access to them.

Happy stitching !

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mary's Boutis Purse

Mary is one of the founding members of Loose Stitches, our boutis group here in Clearwater. I am going to make her blush when I say that without her, we would not have been able to start our group - Mary has been a great supporter of the boutis here and encourages everyone she meets.
Mary ist eine der Gruendungsmitglieder unserer Boutisgruppe hier in Clearwater. Sie bekommt jetzt bestimmt einen roten Kopf wenn ich erzaehle, dass wir ohne sie wahrscheinlich keine Gruppe haetten - sie unterstuetzt Boutis wo sie nur kann und ermuntert jeden.